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BoW66's latest activity

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    BoW66 replied to the thread ROTP-RMC admission 2024 Fall.
    I can't say much about the aircrew selection, I'm Navy and my special test was the M.O.S.T.. Ik a couple of airforce people tho and can...
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    BoW66 reacted to baileysal's post in the thread ROTP-RMC admission 2024 Fall with Like Like.
    my recruiter said there's not many people doing any applications for ROTP in these late 😭 months so my testing can go by quickly. which...
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    BoW66 replied to the thread ROTP-RMC admission 2024 Fall.
    ISN'T!* ISN'T ANY WORSE! Worst typo possible 😅
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    BoW66 replied to the thread ROTP-RMC admission 2024 Fall.
    From what I've heard, selections can go as late as July, but in my experience each of your tests and interviews will take a long time to...
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    BoW66 reacted to Cook2468's post in the thread RMC/ROTP 2024-2025 with Like Like.
    For anybody who has gotten their offer for RMC Kingston this year, add my insta @nicholascook2001 we have a group chat going with a few...
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    BoW66 replied to the thread Competition list clarification.
    I got one for NWO last tuesday
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    BoW66 replied to the thread RMC/ROTP 2024-2025.
    Same, but June for me
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    BoW66 reacted to 1234's post in the thread RMC/ROTP 2024-2025 with Like Like.
    I was told they would email me more information and, in May, send me information about a swearing in.
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    BoW66 replied to the thread RMC/ROTP 2024-2025.
    I do remember hearing that all classes are offered in both English and French, but I'd expect it to be much.... French-ier than...
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    BoW66 reacted to 1234's post in the thread RMC/ROTP 2024-2025 with Like Like.
    Hey all, I headed back today and received an offer for Air Ops O. The only thing is that my ROTP looks like I will be in Saint Jean for...
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    BoW66 reacted to 1234's post in the thread RMC/ROTP 2024-2025 with Like Like.
    I left them a message last night and plan to call again Friday if I don't hear anything. Air Ops O and Logi O
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    BoW66 reacted to 1234's post in the thread RMC/ROTP 2024-2025 with Like Like.
    Yeah, they said the offer would be for Air Ops O.
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    BoW66 reacted to pillower's post in the thread RMC/ROTP 2024-2025 with Like Like.
    A while back someone said its because ROTP selections happen in different steps. They take a pool of candidates and offer them to RMC...
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    BoW66 replied to the thread RMC/ROTP 2024-2025.
    If they said you have a guaranteed offer, thats a pretty good sign imo. What trades did you apply for? It looks like at least NWO and...
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    BoW66 replied to the thread RMC/ROTP 2024-2025.
    They gave me 2 weeks