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Recent content by Czech_pivo

  1. Czech_pivo

    The War in Ukraine

    The first 10 vehicles to be delivered 3+ months from now. All of those to be ambulances. The composition of the remaining 40 is not discussed in the article and the timeline to deliver those 40 is unknown as well. Slow walking the equipment to Ukraine.
  2. Czech_pivo

    The War in Ukraine

    Why? Turkey chose the S400.
  3. Czech_pivo

    The War in Ukraine

    Some good news for the Ukkies. https://www.kyivpost.com/post/34164 US to Send Second Patriot Missile System to Ukraine The New York Times reports that a second Patriot system will be transferred from Poland, where it currently protects American rotational forces, to Ukraine.
  4. Czech_pivo

    The War in Ukraine

    The amount of suffering that the average Russian is willing to undergo is quite incredible.
  5. Czech_pivo

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    I remember this well! Good old Brian standing in front of his net inside of a net at the UN denouncing the fishing practices of Spain.
  6. Czech_pivo

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    Would love to a see a few episodes of 'Fish Cops'.......what ya goin do when they come for you!
  7. Czech_pivo

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    Copy the Australia's - rename the CCG the 'Canadian Maritime Safety Authority'
  8. Czech_pivo

    The War in Ukraine

    Not sure if this has been independently verified - but have a read. Russian ship Admiral Levchenko on fire in Barents Sea, Ukrainian official claims Russian ship Admiral Levchenko on fire in Barents Sea, Ukrainian official claims Russian anti-submarine ship Admiral Levchenko is burning in the...
  9. Czech_pivo

    The War in Ukraine

    After watching that video it struck me as to who's going to be another 'winner' of this war - its going to be rich and powerful men of Turkey and the Gulf States in expanding their stable of young, blond and beautiful Russian girls from the ages of 22-30 because those poor girls are going to...
  10. Czech_pivo

    The War in Ukraine

    Until they start losing 3k/month dead from the St Petersburg, Moscow city limits nothing will change. Six-9 months that occurring, along with 8-9k/month wounded from the same area and the pot will start to boil. Otherwise the frog is still blissfully unaware of what's going on.
  11. Czech_pivo

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    If the 'ball dropped' and we were in the thick of it, would they even leave the pier?
  12. Czech_pivo

    The War in Ukraine

    Look at it from this point of view - let's say 80 were killed and 40 were wounded. Think of the resources needed to deal with the scale of dead and wounded - even by Russian standards. Those 40 wounded are going to 'eat up' another 100+- Russians to deal with them - getting them off the field...
  13. Czech_pivo

    The War in Ukraine

    Load them up on a freighter leaving Odessa and head for the Baltic. Drop'em offshore and watch the fire works.
  14. Czech_pivo

    The War in Ukraine

    Oh, I agree, I just imagine that the Ukkie's will more than likely exit the country via Poland and quite possibly stage directly out of Poland.
  15. Czech_pivo

    The War in Ukraine

    I'm pretty sure that few, if any flights are leaving Ukraine. More than likely the Ukrainian SF's left via Poland. I've got little doubt that the Poles would gleefully welcome the chance to help poke the Russian Bear in the eye in other parts of the world.