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Recent content by Grimey

  1. G

    Naval Warfare Officer Pin - NCM Version

    We did on the first post-CF work dress iteration of NCDs. Pic is ‘89-90 vintage. Trade badges lasted a few years only and then came off, never to reappear. I don’t recall the reason why.
  2. G

    Naval Warfare Officer Pin - NCM Version

    Pre 9/11, wasn’t there a measure of perverse pride in having senior pers with a CD and bar only compared to our American cousins? “Look at us, we don’t get a medal for completing basic/unit effectiveness/rolling out of bed in the morning”.
  3. G

    British Military Current Events

    Lots of things to avoid 😀.
  4. G

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Wasn’t there a Heritage Moment on CBC a few years back around rememberance day about “honouring our fallen” where the troops in the footage were German?
  5. G

    Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

    Like capital gains tax on sale of primary residence. It’s a-comin’!
  6. G

    80th Anniversary of D-Day 2024

    When les grenouille get up to these kind of shenanigans, this always comes to mind:
  7. 1717861799822.jpeg


  8. G

    Current Dress Regs

    That's akin to the Ranger's adoption of the sandy beret when the US Army as a whole moved to black.
  9. G

    Current Dress Regs

    That’s a massive drop in standards if true. The RCAF provided the Buckingham Palace guard for a spell only a few years ago. I had an ex-stoker colleague who’d re-enlisted as an AVN tech and who was part of it. He gave me a rundown on being beasted by the nasty Guards’ Colour Sergeants. 😀
  10. G

    Current Dress Regs

    Being twelve years removed from uniform and peripherally aware that the dress and deportment manual had been binned, I just side eyed him scornfully.
  11. G

    Current Dress Regs

    Can’t say the same. I saw LS (oops, S1) Bag-o-shite Bloggins in the Colwood Thrifty’s a few weeks back. Submariner coveralls with the ‘morale’ patches (wtf is that about, we made do with a ships crest and name tag) scraggly hair to his mid shoulders and pooor imitation ZZ Top beard. It was...
  12. G

    Current Dress Regs

    Who’s the old codger in Denison smock and general officer tabs you’re having a chat with?
  13. G

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    Electoral College tries to enter the chat.......
  14. G

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    Cutting steel…maybe. But there’s the 4 Dreadnougnt class SSBN’s first. I know the big assembly hall in Barrow has been enlarged recently, but I can’t see Dreadnought and AUKUS SSN’s being built simultaneously.
  15. G

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    That 32k includes RM also, around 7k.