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14 July 2016: +80 dead in truck attack in southern France

The Bread Guy

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Usual "initial report" caveats (attached) apply - I hardly know what to say any more ...  :(
At least 73 people were killed Thursday night when a large truck plowed through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France, the Nice prosecutor's office said, according to French media.

The driver pointed his tractor-trailer into the crowd and accelerated, mowing bodies over. The driver was shot to death, authorities said. At least 100 people were injured, authorities said.

Here are the latest developments in the tragedy:
• The attack in Nice, France, began when an occupant of the truck shot into the crowd and then drove for 2 kilometers along the pavement of the Boulevard des Anglais, the main street in Nice, regional President Christian Estrosi told CNN affiliate BFM-TV. He said police later found firearms, explosives and grenades in the truck.
• Anti-terror prosecutors have taken over the investigation, according to BFMTV, citing the prosecutor's office.
• Preliminary information from French officials is that there was one individual in the truck, according to a U.S. law enforcement official briefed on the attack. The individual, a male, was killed by police and it does not appear there was any gunfire from the truck, according to the official.
• Subprefect Sebastien Humbert, of the Alpes-Maritimes region, described the incident as a "major criminal attack," according to AFP.
• The driver of the truck that drove into the crowd was shot dead by police, said Pierre-Henry Brandet, a spokesman for French Interior Ministry. There was no hostage situation at any point, he said ...
More from Google News here.

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More senseless stupidity.

Retroactive abortions are needed for people like this.

May the innocent rip
I wonder how many more attacks have to happen before Europe expels their "immigrants" ?
I'm in France right now. The news broke around midnight, so the response will be muted til tomorrow. Not sure what happens then.

Photos and videos of the attack are ugly. Looks like he didn't stop til police absolutely lit him up, the front of the truck is riddled.

Today was Bastille Day- massive national holiday celebrating the French Revolution. Akin to our Canada day. Crowds everywhere were huge.
French authorities said the truck was loaded with guns and grenades.

BREAKING: Christian Estrosi, president of the region, says the truck in Nice was loaded with arms and grenades.

Absolute carnage.My prayers are with the families of those killed and injured in this cowardly attack.

Hoping this is the time the French clerics unite, deny an islamic burial and declare the perp a heretic who has no right to join Allah in the afterlife.

That's going to be the only way to deter a lone wolf who thinks they are earning Islamic glory in the afterlife with these types of attacks.
Cdn Blackshirt said:
Hoping this is the time the French clerics unite, deny an islamic burial and declare the perp a heretic who has no right to join Allah in the afterlife.

Aye, I definetly can't see that hurting the situation.

That's going to be the only way to deter a lone wolf who thinks they are earning Islamic glory in the afterlife with these types of attacks.

First issue.. they will just call us kafrs and corrupted by the "evil westerners". I agree it needs to be done, for sure. But other steps must follow. Otherwise it will just be an isolated and ineffective effeminate attack on extremism. Now having said that, there is already loads being done to combat extremists ideologies... that they have already started wanting western imams dead.


I know I am a known quantity here and this could be expected from me. The senseless killings tick me off.

Second issue. I'll keep an eye on, I'll reach out to my acquaintances in France to help if I can get him on Facebook. But here is a start, on Islamic groups speaking out;

Union of Islamic organizations (france)


Also I haven't honestly had time to review this letter... but it could be a start.. the summary at the start seemed very thorough (I also suspect it is the letter some of my scholar friends have signed off on.. but don't quote me on that yet please).

Oh and fair warning it is 23 pages ;)

Brihard.. I know most likely you are safe and not in any harm whatsoever... but you are in my thoughts and prayers. Be safe and hopefully God watches over you and all those you care about. (If this annoys you, sorry.)

Cdn Blackshirt said:
Hoping this is the time the French clerics unite, deny an islamic burial and declare the perp a heretic who has no right to join Allah in the afterlife.

That's going to be the only way to deter a lone wolf who thinks they are earning Islamic glory in the afterlife with these types of attacks.

On who's authority? Sunni Islam does not possess a clergy in the traditional sense that can make such claims. For every Imam you find willing to make such a declaration, dozens in the middle east will declare him a martyr.

Anyways, it's not like you can deny his family the rites of burial.

A paper in Nice (in French -- Google English translation here) identifies the driver as a 31-year-old Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, with a record of "delinquency".  There's a reference in the Google English version to "radicalization not being noticed" or something like that ("ça radicalisation serait passée inaperçue") - love to hear from a Francophone who can clarify that.

Latest death toll (in French):  80+  :(
Interesting that the Canadian media call today is not how to stop this, but to not show the images "out of respect for the families of the victims".  A lot of Islamic apologist BS.  I say make everyone look, it worked with the Germans at the end of WW2. 
Lightguns said:
Interesting that the Canadian media call today is not how to stop this, but to not show the images "out of respect for the families of the victims".  A lot of Islamic apologist BS.  I say make everyone look, it worked with the Germans at the end of WW2.

Can you explain better?

Blood is blood, death is death. There is nothing pretty about it and why would there be a need to share it? It could just inspire more copycat attacks.

I edited because I was being a disrespectful ****
Lightguns said:
Interesting that the Canadian media call today is not how to stop this, but to not show the images "out of respect for the families of the victims".  A lot of Islamic apologist BS.  I say make everyone look, it worked with the Germans at the end of WW2.
Even if someone you love was killed there?  Or if 80+ people had been run down where you live?

Just to be "that guy", does that mean you're all for news networks airing jihadi videos showing dead victims -- we're seeing the results of terrorism there too, aren't we?  Or is it OK having only one side "show all the bodies to whip up the masses"?  What happened to the argument that showing the crimes all over the place only fuels the bad guys and may cause copy-cats?
daftandbarmy said:
Democratic nations must try to find ways to starve the terrorist and the hijacker of the oxygen of publicity on which they depend.

Margaret Thatcher

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/margaretth162424.html#qI6sVTfptZWC8F5V.99
I don't think media repectfully "showing the tragedy" is quite the same as apologizing for or minimizing terrorism ...
Inky said:
On who's authority? Sunni Islam does not possess a clergy in the traditional sense that can make such claims. For every Imam you find willing to make such a declaration, dozens in the middle east will declare him a martyr.

Anyways, it's not like you can deny his family the rites of burial.

If the state wanted to be dicks, they could cremate the bastard's remains and hand the urn over to the family to bury or whatever.  Cremation would, by the terrorists beliefs, bar him from entering Paradise.  If that is, his haram actions of killing innocent people wasn't enough already and assuming there really is an afterlife these lowlife's head to.
AbdullahD said:
Can you explain better?

Blood is blood, death is death. There is nothing pretty about it and why would there be a need to share it? It could just inspire more copycat attacks.


When the Allies liberated the "Death Camps" they brought in all the civilians from the surrounding towns, some of whom had no idea what the Nazi Party was doing in those camps, and marched them through to show them the dead and conditions found in the Camps.  Perhaps this has a current affect on the German condition in being a "tolerant" society and Political Correctness run amok. 

Shielding the Public from these atrocities in 1945 may have had the effect of making the "Holocaust" a long forgotten memory and a whole different and more violent world than it is today.
CNN is now reporting that two Canadians are among the dead.

[edit]  Now news are saying that two "are NOT" Canadians.  Confusion in the reporting of the mother and daughter murder case in Calgary being reported along with events in Nice.
Yes. Here on the South Shore of Montreal, local media reports that one of the Canadian is a local resident of one of our small towns, expatriate Frenchman now Canadian, who was from Nice originally and visiting with remaining family.

Condolences to all the families.
Inky said:
For every Imam you find willing to make such a declaration, dozens in the middle east will declare him a martyr.

And that's why God invented the Reaper drone with Hellfire missiles. How many more declarations get made when the Imam blows up before his hate speech is over?
PuckChaser said:
And that's why God invented the Reaper drone with Hellfire missiles. How many more declarations get made when the Imam blows up before his hate speech is over?

Assassinating foreign nationals on foreign soil merely for what they say... I see no way that could possibly go wrong and backfire horribly on us.
milnews.ca said:
Or if 80+ people had been run down where you live?

Nothing new about rubberneckers at scenes.
But, at Mass Casualty Incidents, maybe they should put the camera down, find a victim and try to help. Talk gently to them. You may be the last kind voice they hear.
