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Venezuela - Possibility of Invasion of Guyana

Wait what? No more wars for oil! No war for Exxon...hmmm that's not right....That's was the twenty 00's.....Ok Exxon here we come.....or not. Or something something.... The world is a mess...Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.
Stopping a Russian FOB enlargement? Don’t see that as wrong.
My gut says he is, as Brazil wants to be the South American ‘America’ in that it’s the dominant power in the region. They border nearly all the countries in SA, and are the dominant economic and military power in the area. Not acting would result in a American and maybe British coalition against Venezuela, which would diminish Brazils status in the area, now Brazil may ask for a US coalition, but either way, I suspect Brazil wants to be a large part of the solution, on the ground, air and sea…
The last guy was trying to be Brazilian Trump, but I don't know if the current president is bold enough.
Not a good start.

Though reports earlier today of the downed a/c being located and mentioned "signs of live" having been seen, the hope that all had survived did not materialize.

GEORGETOWN, Guyana (AP) — Guyana’s government said Thursday that five military officers aboard a helicopter that crashed near the border with Venezuela have died and two others survived.

The military helicopter had vanished Wednesday about 30 miles (48 kilometers) east of the Venezuelan border during bad weather while transporting officers carrying out a routine inspection of troops in the forested area. Searchers found the wreckage Thursday.

“My heart pains and drowns in sorrow at the tragic (loss) of some of our finest men in uniform,” President Irfaan Ali said in a statement posted on social media, calling the loss “immeasurable.”

Ali identified those who died as a retired brigadier general, a colonel and two lieutenant colonels. The two survivors include the co-pilot, and their conditions weren’t immediately known.

Prime Minister Mark Phillips said authorities are still trying to determine what caused the helicopter to crash, with officials stressing during a news conference Wednesday that there was no indication to suggest any hostile fire.

“We have to find out what happened. The search and rescue has now transitioned to a search and recovery,” Phillips told The Associated Press.

Army Chief Brig. Gen. Omar Khan told reporters late Wednesday that Guyana’s Defense Force lost contact with the brand new Bell 412 EPI aircraft after it took off from Olive Creek settlement in western Guyana following a refueling stop.

The crash in the mountainous and heavily forested area is the worst in Guyana’s military history.

It occurred during an escalating diplomatic row with Venezuela over a vast region known as Essequibo, which is rich with minerals and located near massive oil deposits. The region abuts the border with Venezuela, which claims Essequibo as its own.
Starter's pistol has been fired...

Venezuela-Guyana dispute: Maduro mobilizes the army and announces annexation of Essequibo​

Via a law announced Tuesday, Venezuela will create a new province or state in the disputed territory, having already appointed a single provisional authority: Major-General Alexis Rodríguez Cabello​

The world is going sooooo well. Merry Christmas to all (y)
The US will need to deploy a battalion down there, with helicopters and riverboats. The Venezuelans could act pretty quickly, better to get US troops there first and then things will settle down.
Yeah, I don’t think it wil take much of a show of force and resolve for Maduro to blink and retreat back to angry, toothless populist noises. But the show itself will probably be interesting.

Hopefully this can be deterred without anyone getting dead.
FA ordered, FO out for delivery…
I saw that on the news - Venezuela has been on the US shit list for a while now - more correctly the leadership has been and still is on the shit list.
Yeah, Maduro is heavily sanctioned by OFAC for complicity in narcotics trafficking. The US has had a $15 million dollar reward on him for about four years now. That more than anything is probably why he refuses to concede the election. He doesn’t win, his successor might hand him over for justice.